Tarkov Standard Account Key

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Escape From Tarkov Standard CIS Account

Instant Delivery + Full Access

You will need to head to https://www.escapefromtarkov.com, make an account, then press "Activate Promo Code". To play on any server, you will need to purchase the global account upgrade which is roughly $30.


Get a VPN that supports Split Tunneling via IP (such as ProtonVPN) important it must be by IP or URL, NOT by app Go to Settings -> Advanced -> Turn on Split Tunneling and add and to the IP List, Tick the "Only Included apps/IPs will go through VPN tunnel". Connect to CIS server on the VPN (Moldova) now you can start and play the game with RU account from anywhere (dont disconnect the vpn) (Only BSG's Website will go though vpn, nothing else)

Video Walkthrough:


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      Tarkov Standard Account Key
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